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Heading to Islamic Finance Stability: Past, Current And Future Progress


​The (I-MAC 2023) aims to be a rocket fuel of progress for the field of Islamic Muamalat by
providing everyone from students to scholars, researchers, entrepreneurs and industry
professionals an incredible opportunity to inspire each other and share their knowledge,
expertise, experience, recent studies and implementations. With the theme “Heading To
Islamic Finance Stability: Past, Current And Future Progress”, this conference will serve as an
intellectual-stimulation platform for all the participants, not only in the disciplines of Islamic
Finance and Islamic Banking but also in the greater scope of Islamic Economics.


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Publication Opportunities

- All accepted extended abstract will be published in e-proceeding with eISBN/eISSN.
- Selected papers will be considered for journal publications of SCOPUS/WoS/ERA and
MyCITE (may incur additional fee).

Conference Theme and Sub-themes
Reseach papers under the theme of “Heading to Islamic Finance Stability: Past, Current And
 Future Progress” are welcomed. Suggested topics under the following sub-themes include,
but not limited to:

Sub-theme 1
Islamic Finance Stability: Basic Theory

- Principles of Islamic Finance
- History and Development of Islamic Finance
- Islamic Social Finance
- Islamic Banking and Finance
- Islamic Management and Administration
- Islamic Accounting and Corporate Governance

Sub-theme 2
Islamic Finance Stability: Current Challenges and Future Progress
- Higher Education and Islamic Finance
- Challenges/Issues concerning Islamic Finance
- Forecasting/Futures Studies and Islamic Finance

Sub-theme 3
Studies related to Islamic Muamalat/Economics
- Fundamentals of Fiqh Muamalat
- Economic Ideas of Prominent Muslim Scholars
- History and Development of Islamic Economics
- Islamic Economics and Islamic Muamalat
- Philosophy and Concept of Islamic Muamalat
- Islamic Muamalat and Higher Education Challenges
- Comparative economics between Islamic and non-Islamic systems

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Keynote Speaker 1

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Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Azmi Omar

President and Chief Executive Officer INCIEF - The Global University of Islamic Finance, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Professor Dato’ Dr. Mohd Azmi Omar is the President and Chief Executive Officer at International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) - The Global University of Islamic Finance since October 2017. Prior to his current position, he held the post of Director-General, Islamic Research and Training Institute (now known as IsDB Institute), Islamic Development Bank Group, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

At IRTI, Azmi pioneered and introduced many innovative policy research which culminated in flagship reports such as IRTI Islamic Social Finance Report and IDBWorld Bank Global Report on Islamic Finance. Azmi has also advised and provided technical assistance in Islamic Finance to several IsDB member countries. He also holds the post of Vice President of the International Association for Islamic Economics, a member of the Board of Trustees of RFI Foundation and formerly a member of the External Advisory Group for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Interdepartmental Working Committee on Islamic Finance. Azmi was awarded “The Most Outstanding Individual Contribution to Islamic Finance” in the KLIFF Islamic Finance Awards 2015 and “Lifetime Achievement Award in Islamic Economics and Finance” at the 3rd World Islamic Economics and Finance Conference Pakistan in 2020.


He has previously worked at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), as Deputy Rector (Academic & Research), Dean of Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF) and Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences. Azmi holds a PhD in Finance and a holder of a Chartered Professional in Islamic  Finance  qualification. Concurrently, he is a member of the Shariah Advisory Council at Securities Commission Malaysia and a Shariah committee member at Bank Rakyat Malaysia, Etiqa Takaful Malaysia and MUFG Bank (Malaysia). Given his vast experience, he was appointed as an Islamic Finance Expert to the Brunei Darussalam Central Bank from 2018 to 2020.


Recent consulting projects led by Dr. Azmi include the development of the Indonesia Shari’ah (Islamic) Economy Masterplan 2019-2024 for
the government of Indonesia and the Kazakhstan Islamic Finance Masterplan 2020-2025 for the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC) and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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virtual presentation


Kindly note the following details for your Virtual / Video Presentation:
1. Make sure to test your microphone/headset before starting to record.
2. You should prepare an 8 minute video presentation, doing the presentation in front of a camera OR a voice-over PowerPoint OR a combination of any other creative methods of presentation.
3. The format of presentation is 8-2-5 (8 minute presentation - 2 minute Q&A - 5 minute transition)
4. The resolution of the video should be in high definition.
5. All information such as the title of your paper, author’s name, affiliation as well as your photo must appear on the first slide of your presentation.
6. There is no strict template for your slide presentation.
7. Medium of language for presentation is either Malay, English, or Arabic
8. All information on the slide must be presented.
9. No background music is allowed.
10. You are required to submit your recording of the presentation through
11. Rename your video link presentation (eg: ID PAPER_NAME)
12. You are required to submit your video presentation, latest by 20th
October 2023.

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Thanks for submitting!

3rd Terengganu Multidisciplinary International Conference 2023



3rd Terengganu Multidisciplinary International Conference 2023 (TeMIC2023)



Visitors Counter

30th - 31st Oct 2023

Hotel Permai, 

Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia


Contact Us

TeMIC Secretariat
UiTM Cawangan Terengganu
Kampus Dungun, 23000 Dungun,
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Program Book & Parallel Sessions

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